Costway Cat Litter Box Enclosure Nightstand Cat House w/ Double Doors

SKU : 3256804667474581


United States


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Costway Cat Litter Box Enclosure Nightstand Cat House w/ Double Doors



Bring a Private & Comfortable House for Your Lovely Kitten!
The cat litter box enclosure measures 27.5″ x 20.5″ x 20″ (L x W x H) and the interior measures 25″ x 18″ x 17.5″ (L x W x H), which can accommodate most cat litter boxes. (Notice: Pleasure the size of your cat litter box before purchase). More than that, it can also serve as a coffee table, side table, end table, or nightstand, which can perfectly blend with any corner of your home. The spacious tabletop is suitable for placing magazines, potted plants, decorations, and cat supplies, keeping your living space tidy and clean. Besides, it is designed with double louvered doors and a side entrance to promote air circulation. Besides, it adopts thickened boards ensuring excellent durability and a large loading capacity (the tabletop loads up to 110 lbs , and the interior board loads up to 44 lbs). Cats need a private and safe place, and this cat litter box enclosure would be a perfect gift for them!

Can be used as a cat litter box enclosure, cat house, nightstand, or side table
With the vintage and chic appearance, add an elegant charm to your home
Provide privacy and save you from the trouble of scattered litter and offending smells
The double louvered doors allow you to scoop the litter and clean inside easily
The side entrance allows kittens to get in or out of the cabinet freely
The large tabletop provides enough space for cat supplies, cat beds, and decors
The premium boards with veneered finishes are waterproof and durable
Decorated with cute paw patterns on the doors, add fun and attract cats’ attention

Color: Rustic Brown
Material: MDF, Particle Board
Overall Dimensions: 27.5″ x 20.5″ x 20″ (L x W x H)
Interior Size: 25″ x 18.5″ x 17.5″ (L x W x H)
Weight Capacity of the Tabletop: 110 lbs
Weight Capacity of the Interior Board: 44 lbs
Net Weight: 31 lbs

Package Included:
1 x Cat Litter Box Enclosure
1 x User’s Manual

Contact & Returns:

If you have questions about purchases from us, please feel free to contact us through Aliexpress’s Message Center.

Items should be returned in their original product packaging and all accessories in the original shipment must be included if you would return the item.


• Free Standard Shipping on all items.
• All orders are shipped out via UPS, USPS or LTL.
• Transit time is 2-7 business days varying on customer’s location to fulfillment center.
• Tracking numbers will be automatically updated once order is shipped.
• We only ship to the Lower 48 States, no current shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, nor Guam.
• We do not ship to FPO, APO or PO Boxes.

Additional information

General Use

Home Furniture


Mainland China

Specific Use

Living Room Cabinet





Assembly Required



Any Room

Mount Type

Free Standing

Number of Items in Set







31 lbs


Cat Litter Box Enclosure




Rustic Brown



Assembly Status

Assembly Required


Cat Litter Box Enclosure


MDF, Particle Board


27.5" x 20.5" x 20" (L x W x H)


3-in-1 Multifunctional Design, Provide Privacy, Good Ventilation


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